Casino Budget Template

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Budget Template with Charts is a ready-to-use template in Excel, Google Sheet, and OpenOffice that helps to create and manage your financial plans. Additionally, it helps you to manage your finances well and achieve financial goals. This Budget Template is useful for Accounts Assistant, Accountants, Audit Assistants, etc. If you’re planning an event, there’s one step that is essential to making that event happen: creating the event budget. Luckily, it’s a repeated action so you can easily create a basic framework for your budget, edit it along the way, and use tools that you probably already have to make it come together.

  1. Casino Budget Template Website
  2. Casino Budget Template Spreadsheet

Assigning costs is necessary in every stage of planning, and, ultimately, constructing a building. Sometimes, unfavorable budgets, zoning requirements, or a tricky economy might preclude a building from being constructed. However, understanding the planning process and the key differences between the various types of estimating strategies (including conceptual estimates, budgets, and design-build) will help you determine where the proposed building is in its planning cycle — and help you make a more informed decision about your participation in the project.

Conceptual estimates, budgets, and design-build estimating all involve assigning a monetary value to a construction project. Conceptual estimates and budgets may or may not result in a building being constructed, while design-build estimates are much more likely to do so. Because they're all based on varying degrees of information, the following three distinct estimate types each have their own characteristics and should be bid in different ways.

Conceptual estimates

The description of a conceptual estimate can range from a feasibility study, which carries ±20% margin of error with regard to the actual project cost, to a complex conceptual design estimate, which only carries a ±6% margin of error. Typically, conceptual estimates happen before a specific approach is decided for the project.

Conceptual estimating is part art and part science. The estimator has to have a “big picture” view, looking for long-range solutions rather than shortsighted projections. Conceptual estimators hone their craft with practice and experience, basing their estimates on real-world examples and past projects. According to the Design-Build Institute of America, Washington, D.C., a conceptual estimate is “the skill of forecasting accurate costs without significant graphic design information about a project.” However, the lack of information does not negate the importance of a conceptual estimate, because it can make an appreciable difference in the cost effectiveness, feasibility, efficiency, and outcome of a project.

In developing a conceptual estimate, working with the developer can bring about the best possible outcome. But keep in mind that this approach may not necessarily be the least expensive. An estimator must look to the lifetime cost, which may include higher up-front costs but a lower lifetime cost of the building. You must also be aware that the best interest of the building owner may be at odds with the desires of the developer, who may want to get in and out of the building quickly with the least amount of cost.

For example, let's consider “green” building techniques. The use of photovoltaic panels, green roofs, geothermal wells, and other energy-efficient building materials still cost more than a conventionally built structure. However, the payback of reduced energy costs and reduced carbon footprint over the life of the building can outweigh the initial increased costs.

Research is always part and parcel of the conceptual estimating process, as there is no “outline” for this process. Each estimator must forge his own way and stretch the imagination to put his proposal into an interesting, understandable and usable format to move the project to the next level.


One reason to complete a budget is to obtain full funding for the project and to provide a cost-control mechanism for the fabrication and construction process. Developers can minimize exposure to cost overruns by accurately developing “real” costs. There are many new and exciting tools that can be used to anticipate how a building will look, function, and be built most effectively. By developing an accurate scope of work for the project, contractors can avoid disputes that almost always result in cost overruns. In other words, the budgeting phase is essential.

Construction budgets can be tedious, but the fiscal element of any project can never be underestimated or overlooked, especially in today's economy. The constructability of a design results in a cost-effective budget and smooth construction processes. The Empire State Building in New York City is often referred to as the epitome of this concept, as it was completed on time and under budget, taking just one year and 45 days to complete.

There are at least four types of budgets used in the construction field: conceptual, schematic, design development, and working drawings. Because we've already discussed conceptual budgets, we'll move right into schematics.

Schematic budgets signal the start of work by the architect, allowing him to illustrate the design concept, including the site plan, floor plans, exterior elevations, and key building sections. Design development budgets depict a coordinated description of all aspects of the design, including fully developed floor plans, sections, exterior elevations, interior elevations, reflected ceiling plans, wall sections, and other key details. The basic mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems are also defined in this stage, becoming the basis for the construction documents that follow. Working drawing budgets are the most detailed in the budgeting process. Any information missing from previous budgets will be added at this phase, and the modified drawings will become the construction or bid documents.

A budget can develop in two different ways. A budget can turn into a design-build project, whereby the contractor continues to develop the design and adjusts based on additional information as the project progresses. In most cases, an electrical contractor engages in a design-build project with the anticipation of actually completing the project. Although this is not always the case, it's usually a risk worth taking.

The other avenue is for the budget to develop into a conventional design-bid-build project. In this case, an electrical contractor might have been involved in the budgeting of a project, which was being designed in a conventional manner with an architect, engineer, and team. Once the working drawings are completed, the job moves on to the bidding phase. The electrical contractor who originally budgets the job might have an advantage, but this is not always the case. He will now be bidding against anyone who meets the requirements of bidding the job — be it bonding capacity, staff level, or experience. The contractor who successfully bids the job — and is ultimately awarded the job — will be the contractor who completes the job, regardless of his prior work on the project.


The least like the other two methods, a design-build project approach requires the construction team to be responsible for taking a concept that is developed with the owner, complete the detailed design, and then proceed with the construction. This is different than the conventional design-bid-build process, whereby contractors bid on a design that has been completed before their involvement. If they are the successful bidder, they will build the project. Conceptual estimating often opens the door to the design-build process.

A design-build project is one that is not necessarily drawn or engineered but one that has some sort of written scope and building footprint upon which to build. Design-build estimates are often confused with budgets, but they are not the same. Because most owners have fiscal restraints that affect their capital investment, they depend heavily on the estimator to develop accurate cost forecasts at every stage of the project. Therefore, an estimator must have a comprehensive understanding of the costs of labor, materials and equipment, not to mention the means and methods of both design and construction in order to accomplish the design-build task.

Often, a design-build project will result from a municipal or state request for proposal based on a written scope. Relationships between general contractors, building owners, and an electrical contractor may also result in the parties developing a design-build project. Relationships are not only vital to developing a solid business, but can lend a comfort level to owners or general contractors, to the point where that comfort level influences project development. An electrical contractor might be in the right place at the right time or submit a budget price for a project based on a conceptual estimate, which we already discussed. Conceptual estimates can definitely turn into design-build projects. In addition, the design-build process may be faster and more efficient than a conventional design-bid-build project.

The goal of a design-build project estimate is to identify the true costs of items and to determine along the way if the cost of that item is feasible to the owner or developer. Identifying the proper scope will always be a crucial element of this process. A minimum/spec job will cost less than a building designed to purpose/function. Code issues and utility company requirements must be considered. Some key questions to consider include: What kind of building is it? What is the building construction? What are the needs of the potential tenant(s)? Did the customer give you a list of equipment that needs to be wired?

Cost efficiencies and energy rebates of certain types of fixtures may be important as well. If the design-build project were to be based strictly on “cost to install,” the developer may be satisfied but the owner or tenant may not be. In the long run, the total life cost of the fixture will be more important, especially as energy costs rise. The largest risk an electrical contractor takes in a design-build project is doing all of the work, only to have the developer take the design and proposal and put it out to bid, back to the traditional design-bid-build.

Candels is president of Candels Consulting, an electrical estimating consulting firm in Niantic, Conn. She can be reached

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No matter where you are in your financial journey, budgeting is an essential money management tool. But just like personal finance is personal, there’s no one size fits all budget template.

There are many ways to budget and track how much money you’re making, spending, saving, and investing.

This is why it’s important to find the best way for you to budget. I’ve spent the last month diving into all of the best budget templates so you don’t have to.

There are four simple ways to set up a simple budget template: you can use a free budgeting app, spreadsheet (with Google Docs or Excel), a paid budgeting tool, or good old pen and paper.

Neither method is better than another, so it’s important to try out different methods and pick the best method for you.

No matter what budget method you choose, you want to find a way to budget you’re comfortable with so you’ll stick with it.

Best Budget Templates

Here are the best budget templates for you to customize for your own needs:

Best Online Budgeting Templates

Life is so busy so I’m always looking for more efficient ways to manage my money. This is why I prefer to budgeting on my phone using a free budgeting tracking app.

Personal Capital [Free]

In addition to using Mint since 2010, I’ve also been using Personal Capital just as long. You might be wondering why I’d choose to use both Mint and Personal Capital and the reason is because they both have different strengths.

While Mint is a great spending and budget tracker, Personal Capital has a lot more features and allows me to also track my investing portfolio performance, as well as the strength of my investing strategy.

Casino Budget Template

The dashboard is also much more detailed so I can see my entire financial life on one screen, including my budget. Check out what the Personal Capital dashboard looks like below.

To learn about why (and how) I use both budget tracking apps check out my post on Personal Capital vs. Mint. Since using either Mint or Personal Capital requires you to link your bank and investing accounts, another question I address is: is Personal Capital safe?

To learn more about how I use Personal Capital, check out my Personal Capital review.

YNAB (You Need A Budget) [Free Trial, then as low as $7 per month]

According to YNAB, every dollar has a job and it’s up to you to put it to work. YNAB has tens of thousands of devoted users who swear by the service.

You Need A Budget is regularly recommended as the best paid budgeting tracker and template, and it’s an accolade that’s well deserved. It is without a doubt the most comprehensive and best online budgeting tracker on the market.

Their online budgeting template works on your computer, phone, and has every budgeting feature you would ever need. While it can be a little daunting at first, if you’re serious about taking your budgeting game to the next level it’s worth trying YNAB out for free.

Mint [Free]

Mint is a completely free app that completely changed budgeting when it debuted in 2006. I’ve been using it since 2010 to track my money and budget. It’s been a game changer in my life.

This means I now have almost 10 years of budgeting data in the app so I can track patterns over time, like how I’ve spent over $10,000 on Chipotle over the past 10 years!

Another feature I really like is Mint has a great phone and smartwatch app so you can see your budget on your hand so you don’t overspend in key categories.

Mint walks you through all of the steps and it’s super easy to set-up (and adjust) a budget over time.

Simplifi by Quicken [Free Trial, then $3.99 a month or $39.99 annual fee]

As you know, when it comes to budgeting there’s no one size fits all strategy. Budgeting is personal and while some people like the old school pen and paper or Excel template methods, I prefer using an app to see my entire financial life on my phone anytime I want.

The team at Quicken recently launched Simplifi, an exceptional mobile app designed to help you manage and optimize your personal finances. Think of it as your personal money dashboard – where you can easily track your income, bills, expenses, savings, investment accounts in one place.

One particular feature that we liked most is the spending plan which makes it easy to monitor your cash flow and is particularly helpful for entrepreneurs and side hustlers since income can fluctuate. While there are other free alternatives like Mint and Personal Capital, the robust features, ad-free environment, and customer support make the $3.99 a month or $39.99 annual fee likely worth it.


It’s definitely worth checking out and starting a free trial.

Mvelopes [Free 30 day Trial, then $6 per month]

Mvelops is an online service built on the envelope budgeting method. The envelope method of saving money and budgeting is a simple cash method.

If you struggle with managing a credit card or bank accounts, then the cash budgeting method might be right for you.

There are two ways that it can work. You can either get an envelope for everything you’re saving for and start saving cash in the envelopes. Then when you have enough money in each envelope you can use it.

Or another envelope method is when you get paid you can put cash in an envelope for each of your expense items (rent, groceries, etc.).

Then that month, or whatever period you define, you only use the cash that’s in those envelopes.

Every Dollar [Free]

Here’s another great budgeting app from the team at Ramsey Solutions. It’s a completely free and easy to use mobile budgeting template that you can use to track your income and expenses.

While it’s not as robust as Mint or Personal Capital, maybe you’re the type of person who prefers a simple budgeting app. If you’re someone who prefers fewer bells and whistles check out Everydollar.

Best Spreadsheet Budget Templates

Want can’t be solved in life with a good spreadsheet? There are so many great budgeting spreadsheets, but here are the best.

Free Google Sheets Budget Templates

There are some incredible Google Sheets Budget templates that are worth exploring. One added bonus is that you can easily edit them through the Google Sheets iPhone and Android apps, so you’ll never be far from your budget.

Here is a great collection of budget templates, all of which are completely customizable. Pro

CUSTOMIZE: After viewing each spreadsheet simply select Make A Copy under File to copy the spreadsheet into your own Google account where you’ll be able to edit and share it. Requesting access will not give you access. You need to copy it into your own account to make edits.

  • Financial Independence Budget Template from FINJA (learn how to use here)

Free Microsoft Excel Budget Templates

Microsoft Excel has been used for budgeting since 1985 and they’ve compiled over 50 of the best Excel budget templates every made so you can use them too.

Whether you’re an Excel nerd or just looking for an easy way to manage your budget then Excel might be a simple solution. You can find all of the available Excel budget templates here.

Best Printable Budget Template

If you’d rather download a PDF budget that you can write on or keep in a budget binder, here is the best printable budget template.

Free Budget Printable from A Mom’s Take

Casino Budget Template Website

When it comes to budgeting this is as simple as it gets. On this monthly budget worksheet, you can track your expected and actual income each month, along with all of your expenses.

Casino Budget Template Spreadsheet

Here’s a printable budget template PDF or the word doc the blog A Mom’s Take.