Explain Sports Gambling

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  • Next, we come to what may be the most common type of sports betting odds, which is the point spread. They put point spreads up for all of the main sports such as football, basketball, hockey, baseball, and others. This is called 'The Spread' and it basically tells you which team is favored and by how much.
  • To properly understand sports betting, you need to understand odds. They are an integral part of any sports wager, and they are used to determine whether a wager is worth making or not. The potential payout of any wager you place is calculated using a combination of the relevant odds and your stake. On this page, we explain about odds in some.
  • What is sports betting? Sports betting involves staking on the outcome of sporting events. Bettors attempt to predict the result of an event in order to win their bet - and potentially profit. What are sports betting odds?
  1. Explain Sports Betting Like I'm Five
  2. Explain Sports Gambling Issues
  3. Explain Sports Gambling

Also known as line betting, the spread, points betting, or Asian handicap, handicap betting is the process whereby a bookmaker turns a sporting event in which there are varied odds into an even money contest, by giving a virtual advantage or disadvantage to certain competitors in order to even the field. Sports betting is what it sounds like. You place a bet on a sporting event and win a set amount of money if the team or player you bet on wins. If the team or player you bet on doesn’t win you lose your bet. You can place a wide range of different bets and find many different places to bet and ways to make the bets.

To properly understand sports betting, you need to understand
odds. They are an integral part of any sports wager, and they are used
to determine whether a wager is worth making or not. The
potential payout of any wager you place is calculated using a
combination of the relevant odds and your stake.

On this page, we explain about odds in some detail. We define
exactly what they are and the role they play. We also look at
the three different formats in which they can be expressed, and
explain why odds on the same outcome can vary with different

What Are Odds?

In sports betting terms, odds basically serve two purposes.
First, they are used to calculate the payouts of winning wagers.
Every time you place a bet with a bookmaker, you’ll be offered
odds at the time, which impact how much you can win. The higher
they are, the more you stand to win relative to your stake.

Second, odds also reflect the likelihood of any particular
outcome happening. The more likely an outcome, the lower they
will be. This makes perfect sense, as you would expect to win
less when betting on an outcome that’s likely than when betting
on an outcome that is unlikely.

Imagine a tennis match where the player ranked number one in
the world is pitted against the player ranked 137th. It stands
to reason that the best player in the world is going to be
considered more likely to win than his opponent. Therefore, a
wager on his winning would have very low odds; a wager on his
opponent winning would have much higher odds.

This is a somewhat simplified explanation, but it gives a
general idea of the role of odds in sports betting.

Different Odds Formats

As you can see, the fundamental principle behind odds is
really quite straightforward. Things are slightly complicated by
the fact that there are three different formats of odds as

  • Moneyline/American Odds
  • Decimal Odds
  • Fractional Odds

Chances are, at some point, you’ll encounter each of these
formats. For this reason, it pays to be familiar with each one.
They all work in essentially the same way–basically just
different ways of expressing the actual odds for any particular

Moneyline or American Odds

Moneyline odds are also known as American odds, and this is
the format most commonly used in the United States. They can be
displayed as either a positive or a negative number. A positive
number expresses how much a correct wager of $100 would win,
while a negative number expresses how much you would need to
stake in order to win $100.

If you saw odds of +150, you would know that a $100 bet could
return $150 in winnings, plus the initial stake of $100. If you
saw -150, you would know you need to stake $150 to return $100
in winnings, plus the initial stake of $150. An even money wager
(where you stand to win an amount equal to your stake) is
expressed as +100.

Decimal Odds

Decimal odds used to be associated mostly with mainland
Europe, Canada, and Australia. However, they have now largely
become the standard at most online bookmakers with the exception
of some US betting sites. This is because they are the most
straightforward of the three formats and are expressed simply as
a single positive number, typically to two decimal places.

The number shows how much the total payout will be, including
the original stake per unit staked. For example, a winning bet
at 1.5 would return a total of $1.50 for every $1 staked. A
winning bet at 2.25 would return a total of $2.25 for every $1
staked. An even money bet is expressed as 2.00.

Fractional Odds

Fractional odds are the traditional format used in the United
Kingdom, although decimal odds are slowly taking over.
Calculating potential profits and payouts with this format can
be a little tricky, certainly to start with, but the basic
principle isn’t as complicated as it might seem. As with
moneyline odds, fractional odds show how much potential profit
you can make. To calculate the total potential payout, you have
to add your original stake.

As the name suggests, these odds are displayed as a fraction.
A simple example is 3/1, which is said as “three to one”. 5/1 is
said as “five to one”, and so on. With 3/1, you can win three
units for every one unit staked, and with 5/1 you can win five
units for every one unit staked. 1/1 is even money, so you can
win one unit for every unit staked. As you can see, this is
quite straightforward so far.

Things get slightly more complicated, because this format also
includes examples such as 6/4, 11/10, and 5/2. The math involved
is thus not always so simple. With 6/4, you can win six units
for every four units staked, which is equal to 1.5 units per
unit staked. With 11/10, you can win eleven units for every ten
units staked, or 1.1 units per unit staked.

Whenever the first number is larger than the second, this is
said to be “odds against.” These are basically the equivalent of
positive moneyline odds in that the potential profit is greater
than the amount staked. Things get even more complicated as
there are also “odds on” odds. These are the equivalent of
negative moneyline odds in that the potential profit is less
than the amount staked.

An example of odds on is 1/4 is said as “four to one on”. 4/7
is “seven to four on”, and so on. With 1/4, you can win one unit
for every four units staked, and with 4/7 you can win four units
for every seven units staked.

Converting Odds Formats

If you ever want to convert odds from one format to another,
there are some reasonably straightforward calculations you can
do. We can save you the bother, however, as we offer a useful
tool which will automatically convert any odds from one format
to another. You can find this tool on the following page.

Why Odds Vary on the Same Outcome

For a lot of wagers on sporting events, you’ll see that
different bookmakers offer different odds. For example, one
might have a football team at +130 to win a match, while another
might have the same team to win the same match at +120. To
explain this, we expand on a statement made earlier.

When we said that odds reflect the likelihood of a particular
outcome happening, it would have been more accurate to say that
they reflect how likely a particular outcome will happen in the
view of the bookmaker. Predicting how likely any outcome is in a
sporting event isn’t an exact science, and it essentially comes
down to a matter of opinion.

This is why the odds in sports betting are variable, because not
all bookmakers will have exactly the same view on how likely a
particular outcome is. Odds can also be affected by other
factors, such as the amount of money a bookmaker has taken on a
particular market. What this means is that the odds that a
bookmaker sets for a wager aren’t always an accurate reflection
of the true likelihood of the relevant outcome happening.

Therefore, it’s possible to put the odds in your favor when
betting on sports. If you’re able to correctly predict the
outcome of sporting events often enough, you can consistently
turn a profit. It’s not easy, but if you can combine your sports
knowledge with an understanding of certain key aspects of
betting, it can definitely be done.

Odds are one of those key aspects, and you hopefully now
understand how they work and why they vary. You should also
understand why the use of odds is the main reason why bookmakers
make money, which we explain in the next article.

This guide is aimed primarily at people who have never bet on sports before, and know very little about what’s involved. It contains all the information needed to get started, with everything explained in a manner that’s very easy to follow. Even those who already have some experience of betting on sports may find the guide useful, as it’s very comprehensive with a lot of helpful advice.

There are a few different parts to this guide. The first part features a number of articles that are all about the basics of sports betting. These cover topics such as the mechanics of sports betting, how to place wagers, and the roles of probability and odds. The next part contains some advice for when you first start betting, and includes some useful resources for beginners. There’s a glossary of sports betting terms, and an FAQ. Finally, there’s a collection of articles explaining all about the various types of bets and the different forms of betting.

Everything that’s included in this beginner’s guide to sports betting is listed below. If you’re a complete novice then we’d recommend reading through everything in order, but you can skip to anything that is of particular interest if you prefer. Also on this page is some additional information about some other sports betting sections on our website. These are useful if you want to expand your knowledge and improve your betting skills, and there’s some advice for betting online as well.

Sports Betting Explained: The Basics

Benefits of Sports Betting

Sports betting is one of the more popular forms of gambling, because it offers a few advantages over many of the alternatives. In this article we look at its benefits when compared to playing casino games or playing poker, and also some of the other reasons why you might want to try betting on sports.

Mechanics of Sports Betting

Before you should even consider risking your own money, you should really understand the basic mechanics of how sports betting works. This article will teach you exactly what you need to know in order to start betting your money, including the three main components that make up a sports wager.

How to Place Sports Bets

Once you know how sports betting works, you can then think about placing some bets. In this article we explain what’s involved in the process, and the various methods you can use. Telephone betting, bookmaker shops, casino sportsbooks, and online gambling sites are all covered.

Understanding Odds

Explain Sports Betting Like I'm Five

Odds are an integral part of sports betting, so you really need to understand them. This article does exactly that by explaining what they are and how they work, as well as also looking at their different formats. There is a guide to the math involved in calculating potential payouts when figuring out your returns.

Explain Sports Gambling Issues

How Bookmakers Make Money

Bookmakers don’t just make money by accident. They use specific techniques to ensure that they (usually at least) make a profit from every betting market that they offer. You need to be aware of these techniques, as they are the reason why bookmakers have the advantage over their customers.

Probability and Value

The concept of value and how it relates to probability is vital knowledge if you are to stand any chance of success when betting on sports. This article explains what you need to know in detail, and will give you a fundamental understanding of what it takes to identify good betting opportunities.

Tips, Advice and Useful Resources

The next two articles contain tips for what to do, and what not to do, when you first start betting. You should follow the advice featured in these articles from the moment you start betting. It will help you get into good habits, and greatly improve your chances of making money in the long run.

Top Tips for Beginners

There is little point in trying to become an expert on sports betting as soon as you start out. It can be hard enough trying to understand how everything works. As a beginner, it’s important to focus primarily on just the basics. There are a few simple tips that are worth following though, and we’ve listed them all in this article.

MORE Mistakes to Avoid

It’s natural to make mistakes as a beginner to sports betting, and you shouldn’t worry too much if you do. They are part of the learning process. With that being said, there are a few common mistakes that are actually relatively easy to avoid. This article provides some advice on how not to fall into the same traps that so many beginners do.

We’ve also provided two additional resources which contain very useful information for beginners.

Sports Betting FAQ

There are several questions that we hear all the time from sports betting beginners looking for advice on getting started. We’ve compiled a list of the most common ones, and provided detailed answers to them in our FAQ. The following are some examples of the questions we answer.

  • What Is The Best Sport To Bet On?
  • What Is A Value Bet?
  • How Much Should I Stake?
  • Should I Pay For Tips

The answers to these questions, and more, can all be found on the following page.

Sports Betting Glossary

There are times when it can feel like sports betting has its own language, and this can make things very confusing for a beginner. Our comprehensive glossary can clear up any confusion, as it explains all the jargon and technical terms you are likely to encounter when betting on sports.

It’s not necessary to learn all the words and phrases contained in this glossary at this stage, but you might want to bookmark it to refer to any time you come across a term you don’t understand.

Types of Bets and Different Forms of Betting

Types of Bets

The following articles will teach you all about the different wagers you can place on sports events. You probably won’t want to use all of these when you first start betting, but it’s still advisable to understand all the available options and how they work.

The first of these articles contains a brief overview of each type of bet, and you should read this one as a minimum. The rest of the articles explain each bet in more detail, with working examples. You can read them now, or refer to them at a later date when you are ready to start experimenting with different wagers.

Bet Types: An Overview
Moneyline/Win Bets
Totals & Over/Under Bets
Point Spread/Handicap Bets
Futures/Outright Bets
Prop Bets/Specials
Accumulators & Multiples
If Bets & Reverse Bets
Permutation Betting
Explain sports gambling laws

Explain Sports Gambling

Forms of Betting

There are a few alternative forms of sports betting that provide different ways to bet on sports events. We advise familiarizing yourself with these, even if you don’t have any plans to get involved with them right now. It’s always useful to consider other ways of making money from your sports knowledge

Spread Betting
Fantasy Sports Betting

Before You Start: Information You Should Know

Sports Betting is FUN

For some reason, a lot of people seem to think that betting on sports makes watching them less enjoyable. This is perhaps because they are under the impression that it means taking things too seriously, and worrying about things like statistics and form rather than simply relaxing and watching a game.

Let us assure you that this is nonsense. You certainly can choose to take your betting seriously, and it may affect the way that you watch sports events, but it really doesn’t take the fun out of things. It’s quite the opposite in fact. In our view at least, placing wagers on events makes watching them even more enjoyable. It adds to the excitement, as it means there’s always something or someone to cheer for.

It’s not essential to learn all about the strategy involved in sports betting, and indeed the vast majority of people who bet don’t. They simply enjoy putting their sports knowledge to the test, and giving themselves the opportunity to win some money. We do recommend learning at least the basics of what to do, but they are all that’s needed if you just want to have some fun and place the occasional wagers on your favorite sports.

Sports Betting Involves RISK

As fun as sports betting can be, it’s important to recognize the fact that it does involve risk. It doesn’t matter how much you know about sports, you’re never going to be able to predict the outcome of events with 100% accuracy. Even if you mostly back big favorites, there’s still going to be the occasional upset where things don’t turn out as expected.

Risk is a part of any form of gambling, so don’t let this put you off betting on sports. It’s just that you need to be prepared for the possibility of losing money. Most people do lose money overall, and there’s a good chance that you will too. This is why you must gamble responsibly. You should set a budget to bet with, and only ever use money that you can afford to lose.

The Bookmakers CAN Be Beaten

Even though most people lose money through sports betting, this doesn’t mean that you have to. The bookmakers do have an advantage because they set the odds, but their advantage is not impossible to overcome. It’s not like playing casino games where there is a house edge that cannot be beaten. There’s still some luck involved of course, but there is no reason at all why you can’t take from the bookmakers if you know what you’re doing.

If you plan on taking your betting seriously, and are aiming to make consistent profits, then you need to go a step or two further than just understanding the basics. Success takes hard work and commitment, and there’s a lot to learn, but with enough knowledge and the right approach you can be a winner. The following two sections of our sports betting guide can help you to achieve your goals.

Sports Betting Online

The information in this beginner’s guide is all relevant regardless of how you actually choose to place your bets. The advice it contains applies regardless of whether you bet over the phone, in a bookmakers shop, or with a casino sportsbook. Seeing as the most popular way to bet these days is over the internet, however, we’ve also produced a section dedicated to betting online. Check out our page that discusses both methods.

This section covers each of the following topics, and also includes a step by step guide to joining a sports betting site and placing wagers.

  • Advantages of Betting Online
  • Choosing Where to Bet
  • Getting Started with Online Sports Betting
  • Bonuses & Rewards
  • Using Multiple Sites

Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, we also recommend the top sports betting sites in several different categories. We’ll help you to find the very best sites that are the most suitable for any personal preferences or requirements you may have. Each one of our recommendations is reliable and trustworthy, so you can be sure of a safe betting experience.